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Monday, March 03, 2003     Page: 5A

Eastern Christian
    lecture scheduled

Sister Joan L. Roccasalvo, coordinator of the University of Scranton’s
Center for Eastern Christian Studies, will present this year’s Ciszek Lecture,
“The Candle has to Burn Itself Out in Order to Give its Light.” The lecture
is scheduled for 7 p.m. today in the Center for Eastern Christian Studies,
Mulberry Street. For information, call 941-6116 or e-mail

Computer’s use is
focus of contest

Wilkes University will hold its annual computer programming contest for
high school students on March 15. To enter a team, contact Barbara Bracken at
408-4836 or e-mail bracken@wilkes.edu no later than March 10.

LSAT workshop
coming to King’s

King’s College will offer a Law School Admission Test Preparation Workshop
from 6 to 9:30 p.m. March 17, 19, 24 and 26. Classes will be in the William
McGowan School of Business. The cost is $200 per student. To register, call
208-5807 or e-mail semccabe@kings.edu.

Group combating
alcohol abuse lauded

Peer educators at the University of Scranton will be among 10 groups
honored by the National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Committee for outstanding
year-round alcohol abuse prevention efforts. They will be lauded for their
“Life after the Party” program, which encourages responsible decision-making
about alcohol.

Wilkes to receive
grant for science

Wilkes University has received a $60,000 grant from the Merck/American
Association for the Advancement of Science Undergraduate Science Program. The
grant will support three collaborative research projects employing students
and will fund a joint biology/chemistry seminar series.