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Thursday, March 06, 2003     Page: 2A

Daniel F. Blaine of Pole 270 Harveys Lake has announced his candidacy for
Harveys Lake Borough Council.
He is a graduate of Larksville High School, Kings College and the
University of Scranton with a master’s degree in Educational Administration.
Blaine previously served on council, serving as finance chairman and council
president. He recently completed 14 years of service as Luzerne County
Democratic jury commissioner.
    Blaine is a member of Our Lady of Victory Church, Sons of the American
Legion Post 967, Harveys Lake. He is an avid boater and outdoorsman, according
to his release. He is a past president of Wilkes-Barre Friendly Sons of St.
Patrick and a member of the Wyoming Valley Elks Lodge 109.