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By KIMBERLY DAVIS Times Leader Correspondent
Thursday, January 27, 2000     Page: 25

An afternoon of fellowship, compassion and suspense designed for women.
What sounds like the setting for a soap opera is actually the Wilkes-Barre
Christian Women’s Club Suspense in the Afternoon luncheon held Jan. 19 at
Genetti’s Hotel & Convention Center, Wilkes-Barre.
The club;s monthly gathering attracted about 40 members and guests for an
afternoon meal and entertainment.
    Vocalist Dianne Baumann, Kingston, accompanied by Dorothy Turner on piano,
impressed the group with her exceptional vocal range. After a hot lunch
buffet, all eyes were on Margaret Burgerhoff of Kingston as she told the life
story of mystery writer Agatha Christie.
Burgerhoff detailed the characters in Christy’s writing and told of their
inspirations. She called Christie “the singlemost popular mystery writer of
all time.”
Guest speaker Denise Metzner, of Dover, Del., spoke about her faith and
retold her story of finding God. Metzner’s deeply religious husband died at a
young age and calls her moving story Hope in the Midst of Adversity.
The Wilkes-Barre Christian Women’s Club is sponsored by Stonecroft
Ministries of Kansas City, Mo.
Delilah Smith, Wilkes-Barre, has attended the luncheons for more than six
“The spirituality is the best part for me.
“And we have fun,” added Kay Babskie, a seven-year member.
In addition to the monthly luncheons for women, the ministry offers
Friendship Bible Coffees, informal small-group Bible studies, for people of
all ages.
The weekly coffee meetings last 60 to 90 minutes and include the reading of
and discussion of the scriptures and how they relate to life. A small fee is
collected to cover the cost of the study materials only.
In Wilkes-Barre, the Friendship Bible Coffees are held at the Salvation
Army Building on Pennsylvania Avenue every Tuesday morning.
The group also sponsors a Couples Bible Study on Monday evenings.
To put to rest the last mystery of the luncheon, the Christian Women’s Club
sold beautifully wrapped mystery packages for $3. The packages contained
everything from an electric ice scraper to bath products.
Club member Viola Stevens got a sweet surprise when her mystery gift turned
out to be a book of Life Saver candies.
The next event for the Wilkes-Barre Christian Women’s Club will be a
Remember When luncheon from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Feb. 16 at Genetti’s.
Denise Brislin of Shavertown will display her collection of antique and
collectible pedal cars, and vocalist Suzanne Hall of Tunkhannock will sing.
Guest speaker will be Irene Pfeiffer of Easton.
The $8.75 per person cost includes the meal and the program. Stonecroft
Ministries is nondenominational, and all are welcome to attend. Complimentary
nursery service for toddlers is available by reservation.
To register for the next monthly program of the Wilkes-Barre Christian
Women’s Club, call Barbara at 826-0943 or Shirley at 825-3964. For more
information, call Linda Wallick at 868-3106.