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Thursday, January 27, 2000     Page: 12A

LAST NIGHT I went to the most disgusting school board meeting I have ever
attended in my life. I was at the Northwest Area School Board meeting. Motions
were made to lower taxes and the president of the School Board wouldn’t allow
a vote because he didn’t agree with the motion. I’M A SENIOR citizen who
resides at the Sherman Hills high-rise. Yesterday when I was getting out of
the bus, on the corner of North Empire and Coal Street, I couldn’t believe the
time I had trying to cross the street to get to the high-rise. It is shameless
the way the people speed up and down Coal Street. You’d think that the city
authorities would put a light or something to help the senior citizens cross
the street. SCRANTON is bringing in a new company with 1,200 new, good
paying, white- collar jobs. Hazleton’s bringing in a company with 600 good
paying, white- collar jobs. What have Mr. Barrouk and his crew brought to you
in Wilkes-Barre? Minimal pay arena jobs and an expansion of a local company
that would have happened with or without his help. FORTY FORT Borough, you
smell. It was unfortunate I had to go through the area on Tuesday, this nice
little borough of Forty Fort and all you do is smell the stench of open
burning cans. Learn how to recycle already. Take a minute, put the paper in a
bag and recycle. You will be doing the environment a favor as well as the
economy. I DON’T LIKE the new license plates in Pennsylvania either, the old
ones had a more professional look to them. WHAT’S THE PROBLEM in the
treasurer’s office in the Luzerne County Courthouse that they need two
deputies? A SUGGESTION. Why doesn’t the Salvation Army go on their racks and
take out clothes for these people who just lost their child in this fire who
have nothing and give the clothes to these people? MY DAUGHTER goes to the
Garrison School in Shickshinny. Why don’t they fix the steps? Don’t they think
our children are worth it in Shickshinny? I was at the meeting the other night
and that board is just really a disgrace. IF THESE RADICALS in Dennison
Township want to waste more money in court and on attorneys to try to stop the
shooting range on gamelands, let them go right ahead. ABOUT THE VETERANS
hospital in Wilkes-Barre. My husband is a veteran and he goes up there
frequently for his medication and some checkups. He has been treated
excellently. People are very polite, very kind. If he goes for blood work they
even offer him a fine breakfast. NOW THAT ATTORNEY Castellino is no longer
solicitor for the Recorder of Deeds office, he’ll lose all of those free
health benefits. I’d like to know what position the commissioners are going to
give him now so he retains those health benefits? TO THE PEOPLE who want
methadone clinics to get people off of heroin. It’s sort of like giving people
cigars to get them off of cigarettes. It’s the same thing. Not healthier, not
better. The best thing is to get them off the heroin completely even if you
have to strap them down for a month and feed them through a tube, it will be
well worth it. YOU CAN SAY anything you want about attorney Charles Coslett
as a solicitor, but at least he was fair and impartial. But at the Northwest
meeting yesterday, it’s obvious that attorney Lipka is one-sided and he’s
supporting the board majority. I think it’s a shame. ABOUT THE NEW section
you have in your newspaper, “Faith.” Why do you have to jam this down our
throats? Not everyone believes in the same religion as you and in fact some
people don’t believe in religion at all, we’re called atheists. I don’t think
you should have to jam your religion down my throat. EDITOR’S NOTE: We’re not
trying to “jam” any one religion down anybody’s throat. We hope the section
will cover a wide range of issues about faith and spirituality – even perhaps
touching on those who are atheists. What do others think of the new section?
THE POLITICIANS IN CAHOOTS with certain elements of society are taxing people
out of their homes, in order to build arenas, install new turf, build fancy
schools, donate money to pet projects, etc., projects which our founding
fathers never intended to be paid for by our tax dollars. How our tax dollars
are spent should be determined only by the people providing the funds. I LOVE
ZIGGY in your paper on Tuesday, Jan. 18. He said “the last time I stood up to
be counted, someone stole my chair” and this is so true today. You stand up
to be counted and you are politically incorrect. MY FATHER IS A veteran of
World War II and also Korea. He has had care at the Wilkes-Barre V.A. Hospital
for about 25 years. They have treated him for prostate cancer, heart disease
and other ailments. We have always been treated with respect and dignity and
also love. I THINK that Republicans who want to bring Red Jones back real
quick had better get some professional help, even quicker. I WONDER IF the
Times Leader is aware that for the last two or three years we’ve always
included a tip in paying our bill for our newspaper carrier. She has yet to
receive a single tip that we have enclosed. EDITOR’S NOTE: If you’ll call
829-5000, they’ll check out your concerns. Thank you. TO THE PERSON who would
like to see more Jewish people involved in local politics, especially a Jewish
row officer in Luzerne County. I’d like to know why a person’s ethnic
background is supposed to have anything to do with his qualifications for a
job or any reason why he should get a job? I think that this county needs to
really and truly look into diversity. THE COLOR OF the new license plate
stinks. It’s a really awful color and it doesn’t go with anything. It even
clashes with a black car. I REALLY APPRECIATED your editorial on our need to
help and love our local drug addicts. Thank you. I WOULD LIKE to have a
president to vote for who is going to stop all this immigration. We have
enough people now in America. DOES ANYONE KNOW the name of the youth book
store in Wilkes-Barre at the Murray Complex? I bought books there but I can’t
remember their name. Their books and tapes are very reasonable and they’re
very helpful in finding what you need. YOUR COMMENT THAT the arena is not a
county building and county tax dollars weren’t used to build it. Well, I’m a
resident of Luzerne County and my tax dollars were used to build it as were
the tax dollars of every citizen in Luzerne County and the rest of the state,
I think to the tune of almost $20 million. So please, let’s not posture over
the fact of such a nonsensical statement that county taxes weren’t used to
build it. Sure they were, my tax dollars were used to build it. Thank you very
much, let’s keep that in mind 19 almost $20 million of tax dollars were used
to build it. We could have done a lot for the city of Wilkes-Barre with $20
million. THE ONLY BUSINESS or industry that’s locating here in Luzerne County
are call centers. Every one of the three businesses that are opening up, the
one that is in Wilkes-Barre now and the two that are mentioned for Hanover and
Hazleton are all sort of call centers. These are the big businesses that we’ve
been waiting for, call centers. Terrific! REGARDING THE PERSON who doesn’t
like Judge Judy. I have just the opposite opinion. I think if every judge was
like Judge Judy we would have a third of the problems that we have with the
criminal justice system we have today. She tells it like it is, when you look
like a sleaze bag and a scuzzo, that’s what you’re going to be called and I’m
all for it. I’M CALLING FROM the North End. I want to know where the parents
of the boys that are damaging property and slashing tires on Culp Street are?
They are the ones that hang out at (address of home deleted). I want you all
to know we’re all watching you. We will catch you next time.