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Sunday, February 06, 2000 Page: 7B
THERE WAS A COMPARISON between the first immigrants and the immigrants of
today with an editor’s note “rather harsh aren’t you, what do others think?”
Well, a lot of times the truth is very harsh. In this case it’s the truth. All
you have to do is go back, study history and look at the things. PEOPLE SHOULD
TAKE back control of the schools. If they have teachers that are making more
money than the national average, or twice as much, make them take early
retirement, get rid of them. If we clean out this nest, we’ll save a lot of
money. And as for the union, to heck with it. I’D LIKE TO PRAISE Mark Guydish
on the column that he wrote about his beloved father that is now deceased. If
anybody out there has had bad times and can’t talk to their father, mother,
sister or whatever because of some unknown thing that might have been said or
done, please forgive them. Many, many years ago, my father and I had a
dispute, and we hadn’t spoken in almost 17 years. Because of this, our whole
family was divided. My father passed away a week ago today, and I hadn’t
spoken to him. There are so many things now that I wish I could have said to
my dad, but unfortunately, circumstances didn’t go that way. WHY ARE THERE so
many couples living together unmarried? They are either a live-in boyfriend or
a live-in girlfriend, and most of these girls are pregnant and there is no
intention of getting married. Is marriage going out of style? What’s going on
in our society? Do they realize what type of environment they’re bringing the
child into? OH SURE, name the arena after Governor Casey? After all, didn’t he
donate $19 million of our hard earned money to it? I think they should call it
“Break The Back of the Taxpayers Arena.” IT’S NICE TO see that political
corruptness is alive and well in Wilkes-Barre Township. THESE OUTRAGEOUS
salaries that the people at Luzerne County Community College are making, all
of them are political appointees by the way. If you think the salaries are
outrageous, what you don’t know is they do absolutely nothing all day long to
get those salaries. THE MOTHER of the young Cuban boy was bringing him here to
America. Doesn’t that say anything to the government, to the family in Cuba?
The mother wanted the little boy to be here in America. I think that should be
the bottom line, that was the mother’s wishes. THE HAZLETON SCHOOL Board wants
to hire special consultants to show these people how to carry on with
preventative maintenance. Preventative maintenance is minor. The thing is,
when it happens, when something goes wrong, you fix it right away, you don’t
wait for a year or two years and say, gee this got to be fixed. And get some
of these guys off their fat butts to do some of this work instead of ordering
some of these women around like they were peons. THE IMMIGRANTS coming in
today have everything handed to them. They have food stamps, they have
housing, they have everything imaginable. In the school system, they get free
breakfast, they get free lunches, and let me tell you, they’re the most
critical people coming through a lunch line. Let me tell you, I know it well,
I work on a lunch line. They live better than the American citizen. A RECENT
STORY on bear season pointed out that three bears were taken in Rice Township,
that’s correct. It was a female with three cubs. The female was shot, two cubs
climbed a tree and were shot. One weighed 44 pounds and they call that
hunting? And I’m a hunter myself. THE MAN accused of raping the 6-month-old
baby, I think he should be castrated and hung on Public Square. IF YOU DON’T
know what you’re talking about, then it’s wise to keep your mouth shut.
REFERRING TO the boy from Cuba as a young punk, he’s not a young punk. He’s
child who lost his mother at sea, and you’re an imbecile. MANY PEOPLE
COMPLAINED about the people in Florida flying and waving Cuban flags, well,
what do you think you do on St. Patrick’s Day when you’re waving your little
Irish flags around? It’s the same thing. Don’t come down on these people
because they’re waving a flag of their nation. I WAS TRYING to get to the
hockey game at the arena from the Wyoming Valley Mall. The officer refused to
let anyone coming out of the mall go through the road behind Kaplan’s. I’m
sure all the restaurants in the mall would like to know this. He caused a huge
traffic jam sending people miles out of their way. I’M A YOUNG PUNK from
Pittston with a public service message. The next SOB who declares war on
myself or my family will win a free trip to the intensive care unit. I don’t
care who you are. DO YOU KNOW if Tom Bigler’s idea of governance were put into
play, there would be a waiting list for people to get into North Korea. THE
FIREFIGHTERS in Wilkes-Barre actually wanted to be paid overtime to ask other
people for money for the firefighters in Massachusetts. I could see why the
taxes and the situation between the mayor and the union is the way it is.
These people have more gall than I could ever imagine. Anytime they call to
solicit funds over the phone anymore, I will refuse. I WAS TOTALLY appalled
last night at the newscast about that 6-month-old baby being raped. What is
wrong with this world? God forgive the accused because nobody else will. MORE
AND MORE health-conscious people are walking and jogging these days.
Unfortunately, many of them do not know that while vehicles are to stay in the
right-hand lane, pedestrians must walk on the left side of the road facing
traffic. This way, you see what is coming and stay off to the side. All good
drivers know if something or someone is in their lane, they are to slow down
and avoid a problem. I HAVEN’T RECEIVED my W-2 forms from working at Corporate
Express the call center in Wilkes-Barre from last year, I quit in September. I
tried to call them and I looked up their phone number in the phone book and
they’re not listed, I called the information and they’re not listed.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Generally, companies have until Jan. 31 to send out W-2
forms. Because you are no longer an employee you might be able to request an
earlier release of your form. Call the IRS for specific guidelines regarding
your situation. By the way, the company is listed as Call Center Services Inc.
in the Wilkes-Barre phone directory. (Corporate Express is the parent
company.) The phone number is 820-2100. I LIKE that new cartoon Six Chix. I
think it’s very clever and better than most of the cartoons in the paper.
Please keep it. KANJORSKI WANTS to move the museum and not put it at the
Woolworth’s building. I think that will be a bad move. You want people to come
into town and not stay at the river. You want them to visit the Square, shops
or restaurants that might be around it. The Crayola Factory and Canal Museum
isn’t by the canal, it’s in downtown Easton, and people go visit the town and
museum and shops then buy a ticket there to go on the canal. I know, I’ve been
there. You need to lure them into town and not stay at the river. SUNDAY, 5
a.m., couldn’t sleep any longer. Times Leader is here. Thank you. I HOPE ALL
of Northeastern Pennsylvania and the country, for that matter, looks at this
case in Hazleton with the rape of a 6-month-old baby. In a country where you
can kill your own children, other children, through abuses and just murder and
you can kill adults and not even be charged with any significant amount of
time, it will be interesting to see what happens in this case. I GOT A LAUGH
over the final call that was published Sunday about the new name of the arena,
very funny. It’s even more ludicrous in Philadelphia where they have the First
Union Center. Interesting. I’M CALLING from the town of Swoyersville about
the statement that was made in your paper about a Debbie that thinks she owns
her street. I totally agree with that. She should get a life. IS WILKES-BARRE
going to put out a year 2000 calendar like they did for 1999? I found that it
was very, very useful in keeping track of the schedules and what’s going on.
It would be great if we had another one for 2000. That’s one good thing for
McGroarty. I SEE STEVE Corbett put a picture of a sleeping cop in the paper.
Good job. Hey, whatever happened to the picture that McGroarty had on the cop
sleeping? Ah, maybe McGroarty was lying. I forgot. PEOPLE COMPLAINING about
spending the $19 million of tax money to build the arena, our tax money,
should realize that that $19 million was earmarked for an arena, and if it
weren’t spent here, it would have been spent in Allentown, Harrisburg or York
or some other town, and it still would have been our tax money. We ought to be
thankful that the governor gave it to us here, so at least our building trades
would get a good job for a year or so and it’s a plus for our community.
Instead of knocking the arena, lets move forward and help it grow. I REALLY
ENJOYED your series “Lost at Sea.” Thanks. I HAVE NO printable words for
the caller who called little 6-year-old Elian Gonzalez a “punk.” Bigotry is
alive and well in Wyoming Valley. P.S. I bet you don’t print this. ACCORDING
TO an article in Sunday’s Times Leader, priests are dying of AIDS at a rate
four times that of the general USA population. Are priests gay, are they
sleeping around with women who have AIDS or are they drug abusers? You tell
us. A CLERGYMAN should never bring people from the congregation into the
sermon. We will schedule an appointment for counseling if needed. YOU WANTED
COMMENTS about the Peanuts comic strip. Please bring it back on a daily basis.
As for all these “new comics,” Peanuts would only take up one of their
places so you could certainly get rid of one of those marvelous new ones and
put in Peanuts every day. TO THE MOM who thinks the Shickshinny gorilla is
cute, I’m curious how often she stops to shop because of this. Madam, when a
community is working so hard to attract new businesses, a gorilla dressed in
drag is somewhat of a deterrent by anyone’s standards. TO THE PERSON who put
in “some people just don’t get it.” Well, I think probably someday they’ll
get it. IT’S SUNDAY MORNING, and I have never seen the Simpsons. This morning
when I saw it in your paper, I thought, give it a chance. And what is it,
toilet humor? Let’s get rid of the Simpsons and put Peanuts there. JUST A
COMMENT of the chief of Plymouth Township dozing off during his off-duty hours
in the cruiser while it’s getting repaired. It must run in the township of
Plymouth to fall asleep, because the new council has been asleep since they
took over.