Shown are, from left, first row: Kiwanis Club of Dallas Members: Lloyd Ryman, Cathy Beretski, Brian Tupper, Beverly Atherholt, Sherry Hogan, Event Chair; Mary Rodriguez, and Carrie Roberts. Second row: Charles Kishbaugh and Alfonso Rodriguez. Participant absent from photo: Debora Crisman, Kiwanis Division 15 Lieutenant Governor

Shown are, from left, first row: Kiwanis Club of Dallas Members: Lloyd Ryman, Cathy Beretski, Brian Tupper, Beverly Atherholt, Sherry Hogan, Event Chair; Mary Rodriguez, and Carrie Roberts. Second row: Charles Kishbaugh and Alfonso Rodriguez. Participant absent from photo: Debora Crisman, Kiwanis Division 15 Lieutenant Governor

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<p>Kneeling in the first row is Joe Hardisky, Back Mountain Food Pantry. In the second row are, from left: Joe Reilly, Steve Yencha, and Mike Yavorchak, all from the Back Mountain Food Pantry; Event Chair, Sherry Hogan; Ben Uzdilla from the Food Pantry and Kiwanis Club of Dallas Members, Beverly Atherholt, Charles Kishbaugh, and Cathy Beretski</p>

Kneeling in the first row is Joe Hardisky, Back Mountain Food Pantry. In the second row are, from left: Joe Reilly, Steve Yencha, and Mike Yavorchak, all from the Back Mountain Food Pantry; Event Chair, Sherry Hogan; Ben Uzdilla from the Food Pantry and Kiwanis Club of Dallas Members, Beverly Atherholt, Charles Kishbaugh, and Cathy Beretski

<p>Back Mountain Food Pantry representative, Joe Hardisky accepts a check representing monetary donations from Beverly Atherholt, Kiwanis Club of Dallas.</p>

Back Mountain Food Pantry representative, Joe Hardisky accepts a check representing monetary donations from Beverly Atherholt, Kiwanis Club of Dallas.

The Kiwanis Club of Dallas recently organized a successful breakfast food collection drive, “Breakfast from the Heart of the Back Mountain,” to benefit the Back Mountain Food Pantry.

Club members were on hand to help with the food collection in the Dallas Township Municipal Building parking lot. Nearly 700 pounds of assorted breakfast food items and generous monetary donations were collected to help with breakfast for the children of food-insecure families in the Back Mountain. People who made donations shared heartwarming stories of need. The Wycallis Dallas School District students in three grades competed in cereal wars and collected 208 boxes of cereal.

The Back Mountain Food Pantry serves needy families in the Dallas and Lake-Lehman School Districts. While grant funding helps with summer lunches for children, this event will assist with breakfast foods. The Kiwanis Club of Dallas, PA, and Food Pantry are grateful and extend special thanks to the community, Pyramid Healthcare, Inc., Wycallis Primary Center, and Dallas Township Municipal for their support.

To obtain information about becoming a Kiwanis Club of Dallas Member or to sponsor any of the Dallas Kiwanis Club’s activities, please contact Charlie Kishbaugh at (570) 675-8780 or Beverly Atherholt at (570) 675-7295.