Members of the Wyoming Valley Motorcycle Club prepare to give away 31 bicycles, complete with helmets, Saturday during their annual ‘Bikes for Tykes’ event. Left to right: Doug Moore, Jim Biscotti, Dave Green, James Gill, Carol Gill, Mark Bone, Melissa Jamieson, Matt Delmar, Brian Gardener, Billy Stucker, John Brozzoski, Robert Manganello and John Washington.
                                 Geri Gibbons | For Times Leader

Members of the Wyoming Valley Motorcycle Club prepare to give away 31 bicycles, complete with helmets, Saturday during their annual ‘Bikes for Tykes’ event. Left to right: Doug Moore, Jim Biscotti, Dave Green, James Gill, Carol Gill, Mark Bone, Melissa Jamieson, Matt Delmar, Brian Gardener, Billy Stucker, John Brozzoski, Robert Manganello and John Washington.

Geri Gibbons | For Times Leader

Wyoming Valley Motorcycle Club, Salvation Army host ‘Bikes for Tykes’ event

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<p>Latisha Aiken and her grandson greet Santa and Mrs. Claus at a ‘Bikes for Tykes’ event sponsored by the Wyoming Valley Motorcycle Club, in partnership with the Salvation Army.</p>
                                 <p>Geri Gibbons | For Times Leader</p>

Latisha Aiken and her grandson greet Santa and Mrs. Claus at a ‘Bikes for Tykes’ event sponsored by the Wyoming Valley Motorcycle Club, in partnership with the Salvation Army.

Geri Gibbons | For Times Leader

WILKES-BARRE — Dozens of families turned out on Saturday for an annual “Bikes for Tykes” event that provided children with bicycles and families with joy.

The Wyoming Valley Motorcycle Club hosted the event, which included refreshments and a visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus. The organization partnered with the Salvation Army to identify children who would benefit from the special gift.

The highlight of the event was 31 bicycles given to children who might not otherwise have a chance to ride.

Linda Loop, spokesperson for the club, explained that the Salvation Army provides a list of kids and families to receive the bikes, but noted that the motorcycle club does not screen children for eligibility.

Latisha Aiken of Wilkes-Barre, who brought her grandchildren to the event, said she appreciated the chance to include the Christmas themed event in her family’s schedule and to see their faces light up when they saw the bright shiny bicycles.

Carol Gill, who represented Mrs. Claus at the event, said each year she is inspired by the children as they see their new bicycles for the first time.

“One little girl said, ‘Is it really for me, I always wanted one,’” Gill said. “As the bicycle was being loaded in her car, she was overwhelmed that it was hers and no one could take it away.”

Jim Biscotti, president of the motorcycle club, said bicycles have long been part of the fabric of children’s lives, providing them with a means to play with other children, to get outside and to learn to care for their bike. He said the club has a long history of helping those in need.

James Gill, who represented Santa, said the funds to purchase the bicycles were raised at the annual “Bikes 4 Tykes” Motorcycle Ride Held in August.

Gill said over 100 participants rode in the special event, aware that its goal was to help children.

In addition to the ride, many members of the community donated to the effort.

“When it’s to help children, veterans, animals — the community shows up,” he said.

He stressed that, in addition to riding motorcycling, the organization is a social club, with one of its primary goals being to help others in the community.