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LEHMAN TWP. — An unidentified odor prompted Lake Lehman School District officials to initially move all students from the Junior/Senior High School to the stadium Friday morning, then to announce an early dismissal. The problem was later traced to a leaky valve and valve fitting for a rooftop HVAC unit, Superintendent James McGovern said via email.
The specific unit was used to warm and cool the lobby only, McGovern said. Gas leaking at the problem valve was sucked into the ventilation system from the rooftop. He noted the district had no knowledge of a problem prior to about 7:30 a.m. Friday.
Because the unit only services the lobby, the district shut that unit down, meaning classes will resume Monday. There is a School Board meeting scheduled for Monday evening, giving the board an opportunity to approve any action to fix the unit if necessary.
Reach Mark Guydish at 570-991-6112 or on Twitter @TLMarkGuydish