Use one of these coupon codes when subscribing to the Times Leader:
Coupon Code One: shursave25
Shursave $25 gift card will be mailed same business day as order is received.
Coupon Code Two: Friedman25
Friedman Hospitality Group $25 gift card will be mailed same business day as order is received.
Gift Card is good at these locations:
Grico’s Classic Cuisine and Catering, Exeter
Grico’s South, Nanticoke
Bank + Vine, Wilkes-Barre
Rikasa, Pittston
Kevin’s, Kingston
The Beaumont Inn, Dallas
Cork Bar & Restaurant
River Street Jazz Café
Good towards any food purchase (does not include alcohol) Cannot be used Friday, Saturday, Holidays or special events.
Promo Codes can’t be used with Paypal
Have questions about promotion or would like to order over the phone? Call 570-829-5000