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I see by a few items in the Times Leader that Steve Corbett of WILK Radio fame is still on the move.
I had a few dealings with him via his talk show and a subsequent phone conversation a few years ago.
The Steve Corbett-type personalities work in an atmosphere of fear. When I use the word “fear,” I don’t mean physical fear. They are for the most part aggressive, brazen, insulting, demeaning, etc.
It’s when the caller or writer exposes Steve’s rhetoric that his fear sets in. The minute a person calls his talk show and indicates a different viewpoint than Steve has put forth, he interrupts, shouts them down or just cuts them off of the air.
You see, as a seasoned radio talk show person as opposed to the average caller, he knows how to manipulate the nervous caller.
As far as Corbett is concerned, there’s only one truth and that’s “Corbett’s truth.” Anything else is unacceptable.
“Truth crushed to earth shall rise again.”
Jim Walsh