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Members of the Plymouth Christian Church, 9 E. Main St., Plymouth, recently held ‘Souper Bowl’ Sunday events. A soup luncheon was held following the worship service on Feb. 8. Homemade soups, bread, drinks and desserts were available for a donation. Members also collected cans of soup and some children used pots to collect money. A total of $132 and 56 cans of soup were received to be donated to the Plymouth Christian Service Center, which distributes food to those in need in the Plymouth area. Boy Scout Sunday was held the same day and Nathaniel Wren and Christopher Sims were honored. Some of the participants, from left, first row, are Carol Donahue and Jean Dydynski. Second row: Marcia Young, Pastor David Quesenberry, Jackie Bromack, Adrienne Wren, Nathaniel Wren, Dorothy Flynn, Carol Truskowski, Theresa Carite and Mildred Jenkins.