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EDWARDSVILLE: The Pi Beta Gamma Club of Wyoming Valley will hold its first meeting of 2015 at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, April 15, at Costello’s Restaurant.

Arrangements for the meeting are being made by Jean Chepolis, chairperson, and Rita Galat and Joyce Latoski.

Any non-members wishing to attend the meeting can call Joyce at 570-823-5743.

MOUNTAIN TOP: The Crestwood School District is conducting kindergarten registration for the 2015-2016 school year May 4-7.

Registration for Fairview Elementary will be held 9 a.m. to noon and 1-3 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday, May 4-5. Registration for Rice Elementary will take place 9 a.m. to noon and 1-3 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday, May 6-7. Enrollment should take approximately one hour.

Children should be five years old by Sept. 1 and must be brought to the registration for academic, speech and vision screenings. Parents should also bring a copy of the child’s birth certificate, current immunization records and three proofs of residency showing name and current address. Documents that can be provided include deed to home or agreement of sale, property tax bill, rental lease, homeowner’s/tenant’s insurance statement, current utility bill or verification of start date.

In accordance with district policy, in cases where the legal guardian is not the lessee or homeowner, but is residing with someone who is, a notarized affidavit must be provided, along with the above-mentioned documents. Affidavits are available upon request from the school office.

For more information call the Fairview Elementary office at 570-474-5942 or the Rice Elementary office at 570-868-3161.

NANTICOKE/NEWPORT TWP.: St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, 12 E. Kirmar Ave., Alden, is offering soup and sandwiches at 6 p.m. on Good Friday, April 3, followed by evening prayer and the Stations of the Cross at 7 p.m. Easter Sunday services with the Holy Eucharist will take place at 10 a.m. on Sunday, April 5. The Rev. Charles Warwick will be the celebrant.